HOW TO GET FREE MONEY Before I describe exactly what this is all about I want to assure you that this is no gimmick, trick or 'get rich scheme.' Everything is absolutely guaranteed honest, reliable and easy to follow. The methods described when you obtain this Free Money Guide are all acceptable and within the guidelines of the company(ies) offering the free money. True, the money can only be used towards a new car or other services offered by the Visa card company, but most of us will purchase a new car at some point and $7,000 can mean a big difference. I have received a rebate so this is fully tested. You might think, "Visa companies? I heard all about their rebate programs. I can read the ads and see exactly what is offered. What do I need your guide for?" Yes, you will receive rebates without purchasing my guide. But never enough to be worth your while. Consider - to receive $7,000.00 you would have to purchase $140,000 worth of items. Most people charge about $2,000 or so per year. Through careful study of the terms and conditions of the rebate offer I have found a simple way for you to quickly receive your full $7,000.00 rebate - in ONE year. Are there complicated forms to fill out, contracts to sign, will anyone call and question me, will this take a long time, do I need a degree in accounting or have to be a financial expert to use the guide and receive the free money, will I ever have to forfeit the rebate when they have found that it's such a large amount? No to all the above. Quite simply, I have gone through each step of the 2 page guide and made sure no one would have problems. I have also obtained a rebate so I know it will work for anyone. If questions, anyone can contact me. I realize that I am sure you are someone who has no time for 'nonsense' and phony offers. If I do not deliver what I promise then there will be many unhappy customers. The old saying is true, one dissatisfied customer tells many people. Following is the description from our catalog. To order simply go to the Registration and Comment Form part of the main menu. FREE MONEY GUIDE That's right! How would you like an extra $7,000 towards a new car or other valuable services? Here's a way to receive free money towards the purchase of your next car. Everyone knows that top companies give credits towards a car or airline miles, etc. when using your Visa card. But obtaining the maximum allowed each year is practically impossible for the average consumer - most people simply do not charge enough to make it worthwhile. To receive $1,000 credit each year you must charge $20,000, for even $500.00 you must charge $10,000. However, getting thousands of dollars (a total of $7,000!) is very easy when you follow the simple directions here. Use your credit at any time. Everything is legal and follows all guidelines. Take advantage of rules in the fine print that are not well-known. No catches, gimmicks! Simple 2 page guide and easy instructions that take little time or trouble. Thinking of buying a car now? Get your credit within 2 weeks. Guaranteed to work. (Price - $9.00. Includes postage). Paper.